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Home > General Rules
General Rules
        1. Be clean and decorous in dress, language and behavior.
        2. Every morning we begin our work with a prayer song. All students are expected to join the prayer.
        3. No student will enter or leave the class-room when the session is on without the permission of the teacher concerned.
        4. Students are expected to be properly dressed.
        5. Students are strictly prohibited to be in the college campus with folded dhotis.
        6. Students are expected to spend their free hours in the Library/ Reading room. They should not loiter along the verandahs or crowd at the gate or about the offices.
        7. Smoking, consumption of liquor, use of different items of pan masala etc. are injurious to health, and hence strictly prohibited in the college campus.
        8. Do not disfigure the walls, doors, windows, furniture etc. with graffiti, bills, engravings etc.
        9. Any student who is persistently insubordinate, who is repeatedly or willfully mischievous, who is guilty of fraud or malpractice in connection with examinations or who, in the opinion of the Principal, is likely to have unwholesome influence on his fellow students, shall be removed from the rolls.

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